#my romance scammer
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guzhufuren · 3 months ago
Short breakdown of 19 QLs from GMMTV 2025 lineup
trailers: playlist link
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Dare you to death
joongdunk investigating crime and murders
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Head 2 Head
keensea cursing each other out as Bad Buddy 2.0 but they are rich, in fashion school and one of them magically saw visions of their shared future
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Burnout Syndrome
dewoffgun in a love triangle (or poly please). Dew is a fortune teller who reads Gun's future from his palm. Gun becomes a hired double for Off because Off doesn't want to go to meetings himself. Gun is an artist and draws Off in nude lots. dewoffgun as a messy love triangle of weird coworkers
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Whale Store xoxo
milklove as a depressed grocery store keeper and her flirty regular customer who is a teacher and a repairgirl. side couple exes who get back together junemewnich
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Only Friends Dream On
spinoff of Only Friends. jossgawin, earthmix and ohmleng are in a messy love hexagon on a theatre play set because all of them want someone who wants someone else in that 6 angled shape. Boston is back and hopefully here to fuck all of them. Earth as director, Mix as actor, Ohm as musician, Leng as actor, Joss as actor, Gawin as costume designer, Neo as Boston the play's photographer
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That Summer
winnysatang: after being found guilty of a crime Winny gets sent to the countryside and finds unconscious Satang being washed ashore. Satang has amnesia and later turns out to be a prince. side couple Mond and Ryu
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My Romance Scammer
ohmfluke and juniormark in a gay marriage scam show. two brothers Junior and Ohm make two high standing men Mark and Fluke fall in love with them in order to deceive them, marry them in 1 month and get their money. after rich dudes' lawyer tells them the divorce will cost them losing half of their assets if scammers don't sign special asset-saving divorce papers, it becomes a battle of who will outwit the other and which one will fall in love
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Melody of Secrets
forcebook in a mystical horror with gore. Force is a criminologist assisting the police with murders, Book is his ex suffering from memory loss and no remembrance of who Force is. Jan as the sheriff and Boun is also there
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Love you teacher
perthsanta as established boyfriends. Perth is very bad at being a primary school teacher and only works as one because his boyfriend Santa is a teacher too and is very good at it. Santa gets into an accident which causes him part time amnesia and reverts him back to a state of his 7 year old self half of the time. Perth has to regularly deal with taking care of a 7 year old (man)child which was his most hated thing to do
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7 love stories about fortune. keensea as high school rivals who are destined to fall in love. queer group of kathoey friends played by Fluke, Neo, Yacht and Lego are serving looks around their high school and decide they also want to meet men so they make prayers to a mother's spirit about sending them some. ohmpleng as rival buddhist temple gangs' enemies to lovers. and some hets
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Cat for Cash
firstkhao in a cat cafe bl. First is a debt collector and gets a power of talking to cats from a debtee who dies during his visit. when the deceased debtee's son Khaotung comes to sell the shop, First convinces him to keep the business running and become business partners. they fall in love in the process with their laps full of cats
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Girl Rules
messy dykes and lesbian wrongs the series. girl version of Only Friends with namtanfilm, milklove and viewmim. Namtan is a director, Love is her coworker stylist and they have a one night stand. Film is Namtan's ex. Milk is a model and pursues Film and Love. Milk isn't Love's type. View claims to be straight but Mim seems to be set on breaking her egg. it's horny, messy and blissfully gay
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Boys in love
all fresh faces in the sweetest most precious high school bl ever written. a top marks student has to tutor a zero braincell student who falls for him immediately and flirts relentlessly. a different loverboy who just got rejected falls in love at first sight with a dimply cute new student. papangpodd as teachers who are shipped by everyone at that school
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My Magic Prophecy
jimmysea falling in love in countryside while danger is looming over them. Sea can see the future and starts having visions of his friend's older brother Jimmy. Jimmy is an ER doctor who gets targeted by someone and has to quickly disappear and lay low for some time. Sea brings him to countryside and they gradually fall in love. side couple franctee
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A Dog and A Plane
taynew in a deeply silly crack bl. Tay's friends get in trouble and he offers New to make it up to him himself instead. New asks him to find out if his flight captain boyfriend is cheating. he is, but he pays Tay off to keep it quiet and shenanigans proceed. Marc accuses the side piece flight attendant Poon of being an asshole. all branded couples fall in love
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Me and Thee
pondphuwin in a mafia-ish bl. shady billionaire/mafia Pond who was raised on corny mafia soap operas pursues model Santa, but photographer Phuwin gives him a piece of mind regarding manners and consent, so Pond asks him to teach him how to pursue Santa correctly. Santa's not-boyfriend Perth is upset. Pond learns more about Phuwin, falls in love and starts an extravagant pursuit. Est is very handsome as a bodyguard butler
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nanisky bl or a bromance that surely looks like a bl. a fortune teller Sky offers a failed athlete Nani to be his assistant. their meeting was predestined and they have a string of fate tying them together
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Memoir of Rati
greatinn period bl. Great and Inn meet while watching the same street play in early 20th century. Inn works as a translator for a westerner and a teacher of french for thai bureaucrats. Great is a noble who sweetly romances Inn, but the familial expectations come into the picture. aouboom side couple where servant Boom secretly beats his master Aou in an underground fight
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Ticket To Heaven
geminifourth bl by P'Aof set in 1996. young protege of a pastor Fourth and a defiant boy who lost his faith Gemini. Gemini moves into the seminary area to be guided back on the right path after his mother went to jail. young love, repression, homophobia, catholic guilt, and the love defying everything
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rythyme · 3 months ago
thai gay marriage is old news. it's time for thai gay divorce.
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respectthepetty · 3 months ago
GMMTV 2025 - Hot Tops and One Bottom
GMMTV offered up ONE straight show, and even though I'm salty that I didn't get Midnight Museum 2 and despite the current state of the world, I have never been happier to be alive at this exact moment that I'm living in. GMMTV really cemented that it is Disney BL, and said FUCK THEM HETEROS!
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As usual, I'm listing what shows I'm most excited to see from GMMTV's annual unveiling, but in order to be fair to the other shows, I will not consider one of the shows in the rankings because I am a Jaidee fan first, and a human second:
Dare You to Death
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My boys are giving me ~Murder, Manipulate, Make-Out, and MAYHEM~ so I'm already seated, sat, and sitted. I've always thought Joong should play a character who was insincere and a bit crazy, and Dunk should lean into his haughtiness (emphasis on HOT), so even though all these other shows look great, they aren't JoongDunk trying to solve a murder while trying to not murder each other, and it would be unfair of me to hold that against everyone else. I was going to take whatever I was getting from them, but THIS?! Sorry, to everyone else, but y'all never stood a chance.
#1a - Memoir of Rati
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Moment of honesty - Inn and Great are fine as fuck. They are already attractive to begin with, so to put them in a historical drama, of course, I'm going to eat it up. This is a serious piece about political and social tensions which I have no doubts they will carry into getting some awards for it. I was getting worried that these two weren't going to have another show together next year, but not only did GMMTV give them one of the meatier plots, the series also has Aou and Boom in it with an amazing story as well, so this was easily my top choice.
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Or at least it was my top choice until . . .
#1b - Ticket to Heaven
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Religious trauma aligned with Catholicism is my special brand of queer angst, so this series already has me all the way fucked up. Fourth is such a phenomenal actor and Gemini always acts his ass off, so I know they will have me in a fetal position every single episode clutching my rosary and praying for God's mercy since I'm already in my feelings about this. The heathens in the room better read up on some biblical references because if you thought I was doing too much over a cross necklace in Let Free the Curse of Taekwondo and the praying in The Warp Effect, I Saw You in My Dreams, and Marahuyo Project, block me now because that was only the tip of the religious iceberg.
#2 - Cat for Cash
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Although I'm a vegetarian, I'm a Disney villain who strongly dislikes animals, yet even I was happy to see First getting advice from cats on how to make coffee and how to win over Khao. This is the FirstKhao romance we have been waiting for! It looks soft and sincere, and even though the plot involves hearing cats, First as the worst debt collector and Khao as a grieving sad boy are their most realistic characters they have ever played. The series also looks like it's going to make me cry, so thank goodness Satang showed up to make sure I would be emotional about every show GMMTV gives me next year.
#3 - That Summer
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On the topic of Satang, I'm shocked that I clicked with this trailer. I was ready to write this off as a Hallmark series due to its plot about a prince with amnesia falling in love with a commoner until the trailer revealed that he doesn't have amnesia, and the commoner knows he is a prince. The trailer situated the problem will come from their class differences plus Mond is kissing a homie (in secret), and since I just asked for more series with sad wet boys on the beach, this show goes at the top for GMMTV delivering me something I didn't know I wanted but a show I definitely needed.
#4 - A Dog and a Plane
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Tay and New got me by the throat in 2019 and 2024 with Dark Blue Kiss and Peaceful Property, and even when I wanted to be mad at Cherry Magic, I couldn't because these men always sell the hell out of a ship even when they shouldn't. I'm a Jaidee fan first, and a human second, but I'll throw on some polar bear and whale jammies any day to join the Polcas because Tay and New have not disappointed me once in their joint shows or individual shows. So here I am, super duper excited to see New play a GAY flight attendant (a stereotype I love to see) whose man is trying to screw Pun only for Tay to take the hush money yet still catch feelings AND FLIGHTS! Marc's there too, so it's time I was served openly gay men who are trying to join the mile-high club since it's been over a decade since I got Pedro Almodóvar's I'm So Excited.
#5 - My Romance Scammer
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I support marriage equality, but I do not believe in the institution of marriage, so I'm thrilled that GMMTV decided to throw me some gay divorce the same year gay marriage was legalized! Next, I'm getting the odd ball couple of Ohm and Fluke with Fluke being a dummy who falls for the first man who is nice to him, only for Marc to think he has a great relationship with Junior, BUT IT'S ALL A SCAM! I will probably end up defending this show with my life because this is the romcom romcoN I deserve!
Side Quest - Tarot Card Series
The theme for this year's announcement was "Riding the Wave" but it should have been "Wheel of Fortune" because there were a lot of shows about destiny and changing the future, so I'm going to rank those in a quick sub-category:
1) My Magic Prophecy
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This is the dynamic I want to see from Jimmy and Sea. Jimmy IS a doctor, so getting a clean-cut smarmy version of him will pair so well with muscular Sea being a jerk. I was going to make a quirky comment about how they can now see the future as a reference to Last Twilight, but I'm still salty about that show, so I'll just be happy for them and THIS show.
2) Head 2 Head
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I'm excited for the Only Boo kids because I think they should've gotten the My Love Mix-Up remake since I think they do well with being complete opposites that make perfect sense being together. This is also how I found out that Surf from I Saw You in My Dream is now with GMMTV.
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So although it was awkward to realize GMMTV had acquired another BL boy under my chismosa nose (am I slipping?), it's nice to see the company staying on brand as Disney BL in its attempt to capture all the Pokemon Avengers BL Boys.
3) Wu
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Since I've been watching High School Frenemy through my dash, I know plenty of people will be ecstatic to see Nani and Sky play soulmates, again (because High School Fremeny is gay af!), but I'm showing up because I got the red bracelets of destiny tying the boys together!
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The trailers this year were surprisingly lax on the colors, so I'm taking what I can get how I get it. Bring me the RED STRING OF FATE!
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This is Club Sapan Fine with a different name so it's going to be campy and messy. But do I think GMMTV will handle fems well? No. Am I pressed about it? Also, no. Because I actually watch AND enjoy Club Sapan Fine, so if GMMTV wants to try its hand at wild wacky camp in an anthology-style series, I'm down to clown, at least for the queer episodes that is.
5) Melody of Secrets
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This was originally going to be number three on my Tops List, but as the trailer continued, I got more confused. Then, Force's face blurred and it looked like he got snatched by a demon, so I got scared. Like real scared. I don't eff with los espookys, so I'll be watching this show with the lights on and my Care Bear squad to protect me.
Honorable Mentions
I watch ALL GMMTV queer shows (and even the ones that only I think are queer), so I'll still enjoy something about these shows, but they were just lacking that special razzle dazzle:
Burnout Syndrome
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Director Nuchy. Gun in black lipstick. Gun being a sex worker. Off being an asshole. Thor. Poly(?). This should have been my Holy Grail, but I can't believe the show will give me a proper love conflict when OffGun are a branded pair. Also, Nuchy gave me ToddBlack, who I will NEVER be over, so even though I know she can and will give me *THE* toxic couple to root for above all other toxicitos, unless these two are about to drown each other in that bathtub and play Olympic-levels of mind games with each other, I'm reserving my excitement until it airs.
Me and Thee
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A soap-opera loving mafioso. Pond in suits with slicked-back hair. Phuwin being beautiful. Santa looking delicious. Est back in his Naughty Babe assistant mode. Perth. COLORS! Just like Burnout Syndrome, on paper it looks like something I would devour, but a third of that trailer was Pond and Phuwin in a bathtub, and in my Michelle Visage voice, "stop relying on that body" even if that's the biggest reason I'll be showing up to watch.
Whale Store
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Milk licked cat food off of Love's finger, and I fear this might be too lesbian for me. I don't kink shame, and I'm always down to eat a girl out go down, but cat food? Really, sis? On top of that, this felt like a JittiRain series with Love's character clearly hiding something that is going to hurt Milk's character, then the side couple was crying and making everything awkward. I support the lesbians. I support queer rights AND wrongs. I'll be repeating this even as I'm watching it.
Boys in Love
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GMMTV was smart putting all the new kids in a show with Papang x Podd as the little older romance crumbs to keep us satisfied for the time being, but that's also why I'm being petty. If this is the stepping stone for Papang and Podd to be leads for GMMTV 2026, then I'll take what I can get, but I feel like Oliver Twist asking for more porridge, when I should already be getting a damn buffet!
Love You Teacher
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This show almost had me in the first half. Sam's character was giving me everything. The premise was solid. Perth was an already gay man in a long-term relationship with his boyfriend. Things were going well even with the accident. Then, the show brought on the real plot --- seven-year-olds. Jesús Cristo. It was a lovely time up until then, and now, just like the cat food, I'm realizing new things about myself and my boundaries on a random Tuesday morning, and I don't like it.
Girl Rules
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This is the female version of Only Friends saran wrapped in women's empowerment. No me gusta pero lo voy a ver because I support queer wrongs even when they are oh-so-very wrong.
The Love of Siam: The Musical
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What. The. Fuck. But also, sign me up!
Dishonorable Mention - Only Friends 2: Dream On
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I've reached new heights in my pettiness because this show is in Petty Prison before it even airs. My blog is a living record of how badly I wanted Minx Mix and Flirty Fluke in the first season of Only Friends. It was the only thing I could think about; then, I ended up hating the first season, so I counted my blessings that Minx Mix only showed up for two whole seconds and Flirty Fluke was nowhere in sight. And now this has happened. This is a lesson in "be careful what you wish for" because I have never been more upset that I finally got what I wanted. Unless the show gives Boston his cake and lets him eat it to, I'm not watching it. Not Minx Mix, Flirty Fluke, or Ohm's body could convince me to do this a second time.
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namtanlovesfilm · 1 month ago
progress of gmmtv 2025 series
currently airing:
ossan's love thailand (2024 lineup)
the heart killers (2024 lineup)
thame po: a heart that skips a beat
perfect 10 liners
my golden blood (2024 lineup)
finished filming:
enigma 2 (2024 lineup)
break up service (2024 lineup)
I love "a lot" of you
boys in love
sweet tooth, good dentist (2024 lineup)
currently filming:
leap day (2024 lineup)
hide & sis (2024 lineup)
the ex morning (2024 lineup)
the dark dice (2024 lineup)
started workshops:
revamp: the undead story (2024 lineup)
burnout syndrome
my magic prophecy
memoir of rati
no info:
scarlet heart thailand (2024 lineup)
friendshit forever (2024 lineup)
ticket to heaven
girl rules
whale store xoxo
only friends: dream on
my romance scammer
a dog and a plane
that summer
head 2 head
cat for cash
me and thee
dare you to death
melody of secrets
love you teacher
last updated: 26/02/2025
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heretherebedork · 3 months ago
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I just can't believe we got a trailer starting with a double gay wedding that turned out to be a show that then almost immediately segued into gay divorce, drama and scams. Love it here.
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absolutebl · 2 months ago
20 BLs Announced for 2025 That I'm Really Excited About
Boys in Love
Thai trailer
Our only true high school BL from GMMTV and it's fresh faces for the youths and old favs for the teachers. It's milk teeth Make it Right and that is perfectly fine with me! I like lotte milk. Also DIMPLES! Yay! I suspect they're using this one to test some new pairs for future seasons. Like a Project 101 Thai BL. (Honestly I just invented an amazing reality TV for you GMMTV, you're welcome.
Fight for You
Da Hei reluctantly takes on dangerous odd jobs to earn medical funds, unaware that his roommate Xiao Bai is secretly an operative sent by the intelligence agency to take them down.
Dare You to Death
Thai trailer
JoongDunk as police investigators in a mystery suspense thriller. Yes, I'm in. This is it. This it the one I wanted to instantly watch. Even though their's 20 BLs airing right now.
Thai YouTube
BillyBabe are back in a reincarnation historical.
Love of Silom
Thai WeTV
UpPoom are back in another complex piece. Closeted brokenhearted policeman meets struggling single dad.
A fierce political battle is the starting point of love between two men of different statuses and backgrounds, not to mention a 17 year age gap.
Me and Thee
Thai trailer
A photographer gets involved with the mafia? OMG is this a Thai dupe for Target the Finder? Only mixed with Cyrano? WILD. I mean to say, this one is wild WILD! Plus Est (my love) back in suits and ear dongles I see. Also GMMTV never gonna let us forget they bagged two of BL's best bods with PP, thanks all for the visuals. Of course this is for me. I'm the shallowest, remember? Plus I love a BL that's just a little bit...... well...... stupid.
Me and Who
Thai WeTV trailer
Lead pair from Monster Next Door, BigPark, in an adaptation of Wickedwish’s novel of the same name. A poor young man dies and is reborn into the body of a billionaire heir. The heir happens to be engaged to a handsome man who come to understand his secret.
Memoir of Rati
Thai trailer
Sing the praise song with me BLabies! GreatInn in a HISTORICAL with a class divide and everyone's favourite side couple! Be still my heart! I'm beyond pleased. (Also I got my boat in a lotus pond at last.) My only concern is this could end sad, it's in the title after all.
My Magic Prophecy
Thai trailer
Paranormal mystery with a fortune teller and a doctor. I'm in. I hope the script doesn't fail JimmySea again, they are such a great pair. I'm intrigued by this one but it felt the most formless of all the trailers, so I'm thinking we could see some significant tweaks.
My Romance Scammer
Thai trailer
New couple! My boys Ohm and Fluke (no, not that Fluke, the one from My Ride). Honestly, Fluke has popped up as a side in a couple GMMTV shows I was wondering who they'd BL him with.
This could win. Prettiest human on earth paired with the world's most potent single dimple. Will I survive? I honestly don't know, because Ohm historically doesn't have much chemistry with anyone but the original Fluke so... Still I l do love JuniorMark and this as a really unique premise (gay Heartbreakers), so I'm game.
Secret Relationship
This 2022 offering is now officially moved to 2025. To be adapted by Cradle Studio (a subsidiary of Kakao). About clever and resourceful Daon who has worked hard to overcome being poor. His cheap ways annoy his coworker, Sunghyeon but after “an incident” with his parents, Daon grows closer to him. But Daon also has feelings for his former tutor. This has the signs of a classic Kdrama all over it: Office setting, love triangle, lead suffering for his self-actualization. I’m optimistic about a longer treatment.
Secret Relationship
Rivals to lovers with unhinged behavior that in the source material ranges from rock-paper-scissors contests to competitive handjobs (yeah, you read that right). If anyone can do this, it's Taiwan.
The Hell Guard
Boy wakes up from a coma and becomes a messenger between grim reapers and the underworld. I adore this premise.
The Next Prince
Thai trailer
ZeeNew in a fantasy/historical set in a palace where Zee plays a knight and Nu a prince - YES PLEASE.
The Wicked Game
DaouOffroad doing some Jack & Joker action. Trust is a luxury. Deception is a game.
The Young Gangster
Taiwan WeTV
Adapted from a novel, may not be a BL. Sociologist begins doing research in the underworld, falls in love with a gangster.
Top Form
Thai WeTV
Adaptation of a Japanese manga. Boom (Chains of Heart) opposite Smart (Don't Say No). Actor recognized as the "The Sexiest Man of the Year" has his first-place position usurped by young newcomer. But while he sees them as rivals, turns out the new kid has other ideas.
Thai YouTube trailer
A take on my single favorite trope: love rivals to lovers.
Your Dear Daddy
Thai trailer
Haunted by his past, Saithan is unwilling now to tie himself to anyone. On holiday in Chiang Mai, he happens to meet Sila, the wealthy owner of Phu Saengdao farm and hotel. The two find themselves strangely drawn to one another and ultimately spend a night together, thinking they wouldn't see each other again.
Historically I am pretty poor at picking the ones I end of loving, but it's fun to try.
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pigglepiephi · 3 months ago
This is what we wanted from marriage equality!! Messy marriages, scams and divorce!!!
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distant-screaming · 3 months ago
gmmtv looked at legalized gay marriage and said let's also get gay divorce
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my-rose-tinted-glasses · 3 months ago
Gmmtv 2025
So now, that I have time, I'm actually gonna sit and watch the trailers properly. Let's go.
Dare You to Death - The plot is appealing to me, the cast is interesting. I was never a JD fan so if I decide to watch it will be for all the ensemble and the actual plot.
Head 2 Head - My babies! Forced cohabitation my beloved. I'm gonna pretend I didn't see the vision thingy cause other than that this just seems like a cute bl, and I'm here for that.
Burnout Syndrome - OffGun in a love triangle? Gun being fought over by two men just has god intended? I am so seated for this!
Whale Store xoxo - MilkLove is back and I wanna like this one. It seems cute, and drama light. I'll probably be tuning in.
Only Friends - Dream On - The chill that came down my spine when the song started playing. I left my body. With that said, and like I said before, EarthMix is here, so who am I kidding? I will watch. Kinda surprised to see JossFluke already paired in another bl, before the first one has even started airing. OhmLeng was predictable as a recurring pair and I'm always here for Ohm. Leng has a lot to prove being surrounded by all these names.
That Summer - MOND! Mond kissing boys! That's it.
My Romance Scammer - Not in a million years did I think we would get this OhmFluke combo. Dimples is back kissing boys and Ohm is just back. And MarkJunior seem to be here to stay. Also, I love that since we got gay marriage we should immediately tackle gay divorce. Sounds good.
Melody of Secrets - I'm glad they're back playing adults although the dynamic seems to be the same. I wish they changed it up and let Book be the pursuer. I like the horror elements and we don't get enough of those but I don't know about this one.
Love You Teacher - The first half of this trailer had me. I love Perth and he's playing a grown up so I was sold. And then it happened. And I don't know how I feel about any of it.
MU-TE-LUV - I guess we're getting this and not OurSkyy3. Will watch the queers and the rest we'll see.
Cat for Cash - This is just rude. Do they know that cats are my ultimate weakness? I can't watch all these shows, but a show with talking cats? multiple of them?? C'mon. I'm not even gonna pretend to be torn about this one. I will be watching.
Girl Rules - So, Only Friends but make it sapphic. I'm sad to say, I'll probably pass on this one.
Boys In Love - PAPANG!!! The rumours were true and he's paired with Pod in this. All I saw in this trailer was that and the dimples. Who is that kid? Cause he's adorable. This is the obligatory high-school bl, it looks soft and fluffy. Might check it out.
My Magic Prophecy - I will be skipping this one.
A Dog and a Plane - What a mess of a trailer. But do I care? Not even a little. It's TayNew so I'll be watching with bells on.
Me and Thee - This show will be the true test of how shallow I can get. Will I start a show because Est was wearing glasses in the trailer? Only future me will know. Look, PondPhuwin can play, we know this, but I don't know if I want another show with them so soon. At least they're playing different roles, so there's that.
Wu - Who was saying this wasn't bl? Did you not see the golden thread? And the fate talk? And the looks? And well, everything? It's a bl. I don't know about this one mostly because I don't know the actors. Although tumblr is doing its job well and I'm this close to binging the frenemies show so maybe I'll reevaluate.
Memoir of Rati - I am so easy, it's embarrassing honestly. They so pretty, the scenery is so pretty, historical bl. Sold!
Ticket To Heaven - So many flashbacks to catholic school. It looks good, which doesn't surprise considering it's Aof. I'm glad GeminiFourth are back playing more serious roles. I am really intrigued by this one but also don't trust it completely for some reason. I don't know yet.
Yeah, I'm a sucker. I will be watching most of the first episodes of this line up in like a year when they actually get made. Probably not gonna stick with a lot of them but we'll see. As it's becoming obvious, I'm easy.
Also just a fun fact I guess, and as @lurkingshan as said here, with these shows, 4 couples will hit 5 series as a pair. OffGun, FirstKhao, ForceBook and EarthMix, even though that last one I'm counting Ossan's Love which is also not released yet.
And another thing, of the Gmmtv 2024 QL shows, 7 have yet to premiere. Thame Po, will premiere December 13 but the other six don't have dates yet. They are : My Golden Blood, Ossan's Love, The Ex-Morning, Us, Sweet Tooth Good Dentist and Revamp. So yeah, we're not gonna see any of these new shows anytime soon. Although I'm putting my money on the OffGun series being one of the first to premiere in this line up.
All the trailers and posters for gmmtv2025 can be found here.
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jun-apologist · 3 months ago
gmmtv saw that gay marriage was legalized and went "yeah, i can make this into a plot". putting the legal in legalized gay marriage. get scammed, idiot
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earthfluuke · 3 months ago
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guzhufuren · 3 months ago
GMMTV 2025
✅ horny
✅ fun diverse plots and settings
✅ mature
✅ almost fully out of high school, uni and offices
✅ adult sapphics
✅ darker themes: crime, horror, catholic guilt
✅ 20 shows this year in comparison to last year's 29 which hopefully means they will focus's on quality more than quantity
✅ 19 queer shows out of 20
✅ mature crime joongdunk
✅ keensea are back with a cool enemies too lovers plot
✅ gayification of Boys over Flowers. we got you Dew and Nani
✅ shaking up the branded pairs. offgun now get Dew as their third
✅ Not Me's P'Nuchy is back to direct dewoffgun
✅ adult Gun
✅ Gun with black lipstick
✅ milklove as grocery store keeper and a customer, bonus cats
✅ Love putting her hand under Milk's bra
✅ June with a new partner Mewnich
✅ Only Friends part 2 with all new couples cast of jossgawin, earthmix and ohmleng and Boston is back to wreck them, baby
✅ a whole show just about 6 theatre kids and divas who swap around fucking each other and being messy gays
✅ winnysatang as a shabby young adult criminal and the unconscious boy with amnesia whom he found washed off to a shore and who turns out to be a prince
✅ Mond with a new partner Ryu
✅ marriage equality is being validated through marriage scams and gay divorce: the series
✅ juniormark get their own bl and new pair ohmfluke join them (uwma's Ohm and My Ride's Fluke)
✅ forcebook horror with gore: criminologist Force and his ex Book who had memory loss and cannot remember him
✅ perthsanta as primary school teachers and boyfriends one of whom gets memory loss and suddenly we find ourselves in a mental age regression plot
✅ keensea as high school rivals that fate decided were soulmates
✅ Fluke, Neo, Yacht and Lego as kathoey
✅ ohmpleng as enemies to lovers from two rival temple gangs
✅ cat cafe firstkhao with mystical element
✅ lesbian version of Only Friends meets Mean Girls with namtanfilm, milklove and viewmim
✅ dykes get to be horny and slutty
✅ View with a new partner Mim
✅ fresh faces bl that is very sweet very wholesome and very heart warming
✅ papangpodd as teachers couple
✅ jimmysea in adult roles with element of magic
✅ Jimmy playing a doctor
✅ new pair franctee
✅ taynew and marcpoon are back with a crack bl about flight attendants and airplane captains
✅ pondphuwin are back with a mafia bl
✅ nanisky get a show and they are kind of giggling about it just being bromance which doesn't tell me it won't be a bl. i need it to be gay so i'm gonna consider it to be such until proven otherwise. a fortune teller and a man are tied together by a string of fate
✅ greatinn get another bl together and it's a period one set in 20th century where they are a westerner's translator and a man of nobility
✅ aouboom as a period side couple of a master and his servant
✅ geminifourth in a 1996 catholic boys bl by P'Aof
⛔️ 2 gls for 16 bls
⛔️ tons of talent going unused
⛔️ the actors who are being used still have very very few roles for the next year
⛔️ pilot trailers always look good. did they hire new writers to deliver the actual storytelling?
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braceletofteeth · 4 days ago
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colourme-feral · 3 months ago
And we're back with GMMTV 2025′s shared filming locations game in thai ql.
There were so many that I am including screenshots from shows that haven't already been in previous shared locations posts. Mostly.
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Burnout Syndrome, Enigma, Y-Destiny, Be My Favorite, House of Stars, The Warp Effect, Chains of Heart, Midnight Motel, KinnPorsche, Enchante, Takeover Thailand with Tay Tawan: Bangkok, For Him, My Dear Gangster Oppa, Cherry Magic, My Marvellous Dream is You and its 1st and 2nd official teasers, Sunset x Vibes, Fourever You and its Official Pilot (Locations: 1, 2, 3)
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My Romance Scammer, 4 Minutes, Love in Translation, Sunset x Vibes
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Girl Rules, Something in My Room, Dark Blue Kiss, The Warp Effect and Vice Versa, Intern in My Heart, My Stubborn's pilot trailer and Bad Guy My Boss (Locations: 1, 2, 3, 4)
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Girl Rules, Y-Destiny, Club Friday: Moments & Memories, La Pluie and Love Syndrome III
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Boys in Love, 23.5, Magic of Zero: Zero Photography, 4 Minutes, and Petrichor
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My Magic Prophecy, The Luminous Solution, Midnight Museum and Dead Friend Forever
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Memoir of Rati, I Feel You Linger in the Air and its official trailer and Home School (location)
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blseriesiko · 3 months ago
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My Romance Scammer 2025
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absolutebl · 2 months ago
BL Announced for 2025 - PART 2
Lost on the River
JudoFluke are back! From Sammon, Fluke is the doctor and Judo a record producer. And not only that - there's a third person on the cover.
Love Carved in the Moonlight aka Salak Rak Nai Saengjan
Thai One31 trailer
Peak is back in BL? Wow.
Love of Silom
Thai WeTV
UpPoom are back in another complex piece. Closeted brokenhearted policeman meets struggling single dad.
Love Upon a Time
Thai trailer
Domundi's long awaited historical was announced for 2023, but after recasting, officially moved to 2025.
Love You Teacher
Thai trailer
I do like Perth & Santa (although I'm not sold on them as a pair). But words cannot describe how much I dislike this premise. SERIOUSLY? No thank you very much. I could, just maybe, hate watch Only Friends 2, but it's gonna be hard for me to even turn this on. Infantilization and people acting like children wigs me tf out. YKINMKBYKIOK of course, but not in my BL GMMTV. Stop it! (This one also got the dreaded pink of will not watch.
Loy Kaew First Love
Thai trailer
Historical pulp. About a farmer's son and his clsoe friend, son of the village headman.
Make a Wish Season 2
JudoFluke reprising their roles, rumor reported here.
A fierce political battle is the starting point of love between two men of different statuses and backgrounds, not to mention a 17 year age gap.
Me and Thee
Thai trailer
A photographer gets involved with the mafia? OMG is this a Thai dupe for Target the Finder? Only mixed with Cyrano? WILD. I mean to say, this one is wild WILD! Plus Est (my love) back in suits and ear dongles I see. Also GMMTV never gonna let us forget they bagged two of BL's best bods with PP, thanks all for the visuals. Of course this is for me. I'm the shallowest, remember? Plus I love a BL that's just a little bit...... well...... stupid.
Me and Who
Thai WeTV trailer
Lead pair from Monster Next Door, BigPark, in an adaptation of Wickedwish’s novel of the same name. A poor young man dies and is reborn into the body of a billionaire heir. The heir happens to be engaged to a handsome man who come to understand his secret.
Melody of Secrets
Not wild about ForceBook, do like a mystery, don't like horror or psychological thrillers... not sure on this one. I like BL pushing into new territory, even if it's not my territory, but this is defiantly not made for me, that's for damn sure.
Memoir of Rati
Thai trailer
Sing the praise song with me BLabies! GreatInn in a HISTORICAL with a class divide and everyone's favourite side couple! Be still my heart! I'm beyond pleased. (Also I got my boat in a lotus pond at last.) My only concern is this could end sad, it's in the title after all.
My Magic Prophecy
Thai trailer
Paranormal mystery with a fortune teller and a doctor. I'm in. I hope the script doesn't fail JimmySea again, they are such a great pair. I'm intrigued by this one but it felt the most formless of all the trailers, so I'm thinking we could see some significant tweaks.
My Romance Scammer
Thai trailer
New couple! My boys Ohm and Fluke (no, not that Fluke, the one from My Ride). Honestly, Fluke has popped up as a side in a couple GMMTV shows I was wondering who they'd BL him with.
This could win. Prettiest human on earth paired with the world's most potent single dimple. Will I survive? I honestly don't know, because Ohm historically doesn't have much chemistry with anyone but the original Fluke so... Still I l do love JuniorMark and this as a really unique premise (gay Heartbreakers), so I'm game.
My Stubborn
Thai YouTube trailer
Very high heat office romance involving best friend younger brother intern, boss meets assistant, bit of a love triangle, and GL crumbs and few other tropes.
Not My Bro
Thai trailer
Meen's mother sends Tul, the son of her close friend, who has recently passed the entrance exam to pursue engineering, to live with Meen and assigns Meen to take care of Tul.
Only Friends Dream On
Thai trailer
I will not be watching this. But dude was it nice to see all those pairs busted. That's always a good time for me. Anyway, all you so-n-sos who gave the first one your eyeballs are to blame for this. Watch it n weep. Without me. (Side note: I love it when a title reviews itself, Only Friends: Dream On, indeed. It's like media aptronym.)
Personal Manager
A secret relationship between a model and his manager.
Pit Babe The Series 2
Thai trailer
Thai trailer
Bandmates romance meets time travel, intreaguing combo.
Thai iQIYI
Yet another time travel kinda thing this time with Pond & Peterpan (we love this idea). On the night of his greatest success, famous actor Armin dies after being betrayed by his lover. However, death is not the end. Going back in time and meeting mysterious fan TD, the path to superstardom begins again.
Revamp the Undead Story
Thai YouTube trailer
BounPrem vampire vehicle from 2023 officially moved to 2025 Formerly My Broccoli
Secret Relationship
This 2022 offering is now officially moved to 2025. To be adapted by Cradle Studio (a subsidiary of Kakao). About clever and resourceful Daon who has worked hard to overcome being poor. His cheap ways annoy his coworker, Sunghyeon but after “an incident” with his parents, Daon grows closer to him. But Daon also has feelings for his former tutor. This has the signs of a classic Kdrama all over it: Office setting, love triangle, lead suffering for his self-actualization. I’m optimistic about a longer treatment.
Secret Relationship
Rivals to lovers with unhinged behavior that in the source material ranges from rock-paper-scissors contests to competitive handjobs (yeah, you read that right). Taiwan is perfect for this.
Thai WeTV
MileApo vehicle that may not be BL. A tale of love and ideals unfolds in an era resistant to diversity set against the backdrop of the political turmoil of 1969-1971.
Sweet Daddy
Thai trailer
Sweet Tooth Good Dentist
Thai YouTube trailer
Finally Mark is leading out a BL! This one based on a Jittirain novel about a weird sunshine student dentist and his sugar-addicted patient, described as a romcom meets romantic therapy. Also, Jimmy is there, primarily to give me second lead syndrome. It looks silly but kinda earnest, I'm intrigued. (Not sure this one will still happen.)
That Summer
Thai trailer
The only GMMTV side pair to level up. Okay so amnesia is my least favorite trope, and I tend to not be wild about secret identity either, but I like both pairs in this one, so I'll watch.
The Hell Guard
Boy wakes up from a coma and becomes a messenger between grim reapers and the underworld. I love this premise.
The Love Matter
Thai trailer
2 students fall in love with their respective teachers who happen to be dating each other
The Next Prince
Thai trailer
ZeeNew in a fantasy/historical set in a palace where Zee plays a knight and Nu a prince - YES PLEASE.
The Promise of The Soul
I hate bodyswap.
The Wicked Game
DaouOffroad doing some Jack & Joker action. Trust is a luxury. Deception is a game.
The Young Gangster
Taiwan WeTV
Adapted from a novel, may not be a BL. Sociologist begins doing research in the underworld, falls in love with a gangster.
Ticket To Heaven
Thai trailer
GMMTV is doing Boy Foretold by Stars concept? Interesting, did not have religious boundary pushing and bildungsroman down on he Thai BL bingo card. This isn't my thing but I think G4 are actually going to be amazing in it and I certainly look forward to them pushing their acting chops. Not to mention the discomfort something like this can cause in general/global viewership. I like it when BL makes people (who aren't me) uncomfortable.
Time Zone
Thai trailer
A cheeky version of high school president only the seme actor seems to be taking his cues off Ohm. Interesting to me because I like this kind of BL
Thai YouTube trailer
A take on my single favorite trope love rivals to lovers.
Your Dear Daddy
Thai trailer
Haunted by his past, Saithan is unwilling now to tie himself to anyone. On holiday in Chiang Mai, he happens to meet Sila, the wealthy owner of Phu Saengdao farm and hotel. The two find themselves strangely drawn to one another and ultimately spend a night together, thinking they wouldn't see each other again.
2025 BL Part 1 is here
This post is static and not updated. All information is to the best of my ability at the very end of 2024. Not responsible for changes, cancellations etc...
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